2016年2月21日 星期日

緣起大法 ——本文摘錄自《菩提之路》



  佛陀師父曾說法:「在這個世界六道有情及無情中,皆屬有為而無常性,全是由緣起生因果,因果無常性,故知其緣起為母,又有密宗重緣起之戒律,可 見緣起之重要,絕不可少。緣為惑業之和合,起於造作,造作又由緣起所生,業生諸因,因熟顯果,因果隨緣異變乃無常性,故萬事萬法一切有為法皆由緣起母發, 眾生於無始無量隨緣起流轉,造作因果惑業度無常輪迴之苦。聖者觀緣起、察因果,而渡一切有情。簡單地講,就是眾生每時每刻都在緣起中惑業造作因果,無量劫 來每一世都在緣起惑業因果中流轉一切事相苦樂,種下黑業、白業、不黑不白業,待轉輪時因果業力隨之帶同心識投胎,故因果如影隨形半厘毫端不差。因此簡單地 說,佛法就是依於緣起解決因果問題的勝義方法,這個法是佛陀帶來的,是蓮花生大師、瑪爾巴大師、無我母大師、宗喀巴大師等他們帶來的。故所以蓮花生大師持 普賢王如來之旨傳下緣起大法,以定眾生因緣去向取得相應法義;同時更重要的是弟子依緣起大法作為觀察大仁波切如法王級大菩薩的金剛上師道量依憑。」
  我拿到黃表紙後,就走出壇場外一個沒人看得見的角落,用剪刀隨便彎來彎去的剪成了奇形怪狀的兩半,然後把其中的一半放進我上衣裡層的口袋中,另 一半黃表紙則拿進壇場,跟大家一樣,各自將剪下的另一半黃表紙丟進了壇場中央的金剛法桶內。這時候就由在場的兩位弟子拿起法桶來回搖動,把裡面的黃表紙攪 混錯亂,再放回原處。
  這時,只見佛陀師父閉目持咒觀修了幾分鐘,就叫弟子們把法桶打開,大家一一上前在法桶內任取出一張黃表紙。當我上前一看到法桶內的黃表紙時,早 已經是攪混的亂七八糟,根本不可能知道自己丟進去的是哪一張了!所以就隨便的抓起一張,退回座上。毫無疑問的,我手上拿到的這一張,肯定與我懷中暗藏的另 一半黃表紙對不上;其他的人也不用說,絕不可能會對得上。
  等到大家都拿好了,佛陀師父就開始修法觀照,很快的就下達指令說:「王某某手中的要交給陳某某,李某某手中的要交給蔡某某,周某某的要交給吳某 某……」我只記得叫到我的時候是要將我手中的黃表紙交給一位姓鄧的師兄,然後過了一陣子,又叫到一位姓孫的師姐將她手中的黃表紙交給了我。
  說實在話,當我拿出上衣內袋的另一半黃表紙時,心裡還暗自嘀咕:「這怎麼可能啊!壇場上五六十人,換來換去的,光是聽都聽暈了,怎麼可能每個人 把身上暗藏的另一半拿出來就剛好立刻絲毫不差的對上佛陀師父指定某人交來的另一半?佛陀師父怎麼會知道某人從法桶中那麼多黃表紙裡隨便摸出的那一張就是我 剪下來丟進去的那一半?怎麼又知道那麼多人各自摸到的原本都是誰剪下來的啊?上面又沒有記號,沒有字,全都是同樣的紙。」
  結果,當我把手中的兩張黃表紙一對時,我的天啊!我當場驚呆了!兩張竟然接的絲毫不差!正是我躲在壇場外角落,隨意亂剪成奇形怪狀,然後分成兩 半丟在法桶跟大家的攪混在一起的那一半紙啊!這時只聽到壇場內驚呼聲四起,因為大家按照佛陀師父指示,互相交換之後拿到的黃表紙與身上藏的絲毫不差的對 上。大家前後左右,又互相審看核實,也百分之百準確無誤!
  這時,淚水盈滿了我的眼眶,我覺得佛陀師父實在是太偉大太了不起了!那麼多的黃表紙竟然一張都沒有弄錯!這麼清楚大家的緣起!就在這一念生起的 時候,我突然感到自己糟糕透頂,自己深知自己是一個仁波切,卻為什麼還犯如此不可理喻的愚癡?這是佛陀巨聖啊!難道還有不知道的嗎?我還該去想嗎?還說什 麼偉大?我有這樣的念頭已經根本不可原諒了!從此以後,我心中隨時都提醒自己,眾生的思維,只能說是耐人尋味哦!
  我終於明白,為什麼緣起大法又叫做解脫成就大法?因為只有真正的佛菩薩才具備了洞悉三千大千世界無量甚深緣起的道量境,也只有真正的大聖法王, 才有如此覺量,清楚照見每一位弟子的三世因果,是男是女?修過何法?罪業多少?功德多少?幾時中陰?幾時分道?三世因緣無不了了分明。難怪瑪爾巴大師諄諄 告誡密勒日巴祖師:「孺子離去必依行,三業相應境得修,若是未圓雙運境,眾生調步擬龍求,久之毀滅無差恨,一旦消失根無留。」
  因此,「緣起大法」是無上成就之法,是一切法成就之根,一切法成就之種。無論是七天成就的光明破瓦,金剛部的時輪金剛、上樂金剛及大圓勝慧等成 就大法,也必須依此「緣起大法」,才能得到相應的真實所在,成為大成就法。但金剛換體禪、攤屍拙火和泥丸道果不在此列,那是無派別佛教「解脫大手印」所獨 有的無上大法。
  說了半天,只有一個重點:必須找到一位真正大菩薩或佛陀級別的上師。因為如果我們選準了一位真正的「中地道」級的上師,加上自己努力,三業相 應,依教奉行,那就成功了,那就絕對今生了生脫死,易於反掌,信手拈來,不在吹灰之間。至於「上覺道」的上師,那是要無始因緣才能遇得上的啊!

2016年2月4日 星期四

Who Is His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III? --- Steven Meyers

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Steven Meyers

Who Is His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III?

Five Key Points about the Buddhist Spiritual Leader
Buddhism is among the largest religions in this world. The original founder of Buddhism and the religion’s highest spiritual leader in the universe is Dorje Chang Buddha. He is worshiped by all major sects and schools of Buddhism as the earliest primordial Buddha.
Buddhists belong to a religious belief that understands the universe’s nature of no-birth and no-annihilation and human beings’ original nature of true such-ness are one and the same. They believe in the cycle of transmigration driven by the law of cause and effect. They believe that after one’s biological death, the spirit or soul will incarnate and be reborn into a new being. In the case of the primordial Buddha, He has now incarnated to this world for the third time as His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III. The highest spiritual leader in Buddhism alive today currently lives in the United States of America.
His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is not one who seeks publicity. Even when awarded the Presidential Gold Award, the Dr. Martin Luther King Legacy Award for International Service and Leadership, and many other prestigious prizes, He did not attend the award ceremonies to receive the prizes in person. He is well known for loving-kindness and compassion, and has made a vow of only helping others and never accepting any offerings from anyone.
However, His accomplishments and accolades are widely-reported. The following are five of the most interesting things that you may not have known about His Holiness the Buddha:

International Buddhism Sangha Association
1. Buddhism classifies all material and spiritual matters and knowledge in the universe into five aspects. Complete mastery of these five aspects is called having realized the Five Vidyas (vidya is a Sanskrit word meaning brightness). Buddhas and Bodhisattvas must possess the Five Vidyas. The Five Vidyas include: the Vidya of Casuality, the Vidya of Healing, the Vidya of Sound, the Vidya of Craftsmanship, and the Vidya of Inner Realization. Looking through the entire history of Buddhism, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first holy one to perfectly manifest real accomplishments in the Five Vidyas, meeting the highest standard of Buddhism. For this reason and more, His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is the one and only individual in history to receive recognitions and corroborating recognitions from over 60 of the highest present-day dharma kings and regent dharma kings from various Buddhist sects.
2. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was awarded the Top Honor Prize during the World Peace Prize Ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on June 14, 2011. The World Peace Prize is an initiative to promote world peace and understanding between different nations, ethnicities, cultures and religions. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was recognized for receiving this Top Honor Prize by the 112th Congress in U.S. Senate Res. 614, commending His Holiness the Buddha for his role in advancing peace, justice and inter-religious collaboration.
3. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has long been an internationally renowned artist. His paintings are not limited by subject or themes and are of many types, from water-ink paintings to oil paintings. Specifically, the subject matters include human figures, animals, flowers and birds, mountain and water scenes, fish, insects, and so on. Within the wide range of styles, there is fine brushwork, drawing with lines and strings, splash-ink, bold freehand brushwork, small freehand brushwork, and others. Altogether, He created 16 unique painting styles or schools, representing an unprecedented pioneering achievement in the history of art. His paintings are on permanent exhibition at the International Art Museum of America in San Francisco, the H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Cultural and Art Museum in Los Angeles County, and other art museums. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III’s paintings are extremely valuable and rare. As early as in 2000, His artworks were sold for more than two million U.S. dollars each. He became the artist whose paintings commanded the highest prices compared to the prices for paintings created by all ancient and modern Chinese artists. Last March, an ink painting of His was sold at the New York Spring Auction for $16.5 million, which was the highest price realized at the 2015 Spring Auction of all artworks by ancient and modern artists worldwide. He is the world’s first inventor to create a class of artworks that cannot be duplicated by anyone or with any method — Yun Sculpture. Only after that, the world now has un-duplicable artworks. Experts predict that His paintings will become increasingly valuable as His Holiness plans to focus solely on Buddhist activities.

4. In 2011, the then Mayor of Washington, D.C., Vincent Gray, proclaimed January 19th as “H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Day.” The mayor called on D.C. residents to join him in saluting “His selfless and exceptional work to spread the word of peace to all those in His presence.” The Unites States Postal Service also issued a commemorative cover in celebration of “His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III Day.”
5. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha is a Fellow of Britain’s Royal Academy of Arts, making Him the first internationally distinguished artist appointed to a Fellowship in the Academy’s history of more than 200 years. The title of Fellow was awarded by the Academy’s President, Phillip King, at a ceremony in the British Embassy in Washington.
Unless you are an astute follower of Buddhism, you may not have known that His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has been recognized as the third incarnation of the original Buddha. His accomplishments clearly transcend religion, healing, art, philosophy, and literature. He continues to devote His time to a wide scope of cultural, religious, and various other domains directed at helping people in communities across the globe. His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III has made the following vow: “I will bear all of the karmic offenses committed by living beings, and I will give everyone all of the good karma and merit that I plant.” His Holiness the Buddha has been executing it exactly as is.

Steven Meyers received his bachelor’s degree in Chinese language from Brown University, where he graduated magna cum laude. After graduating, Mr. Meyers spent a year at the Stanford Center in Taiwan furthering his study of the Chinese language. Later, he received a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan and is now an attorney licensed to practice law in the state of California. He has been providing legal advice to California non-profit corporations since 1996. His current focus is translating Buddhist material from Chinese into English.

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